Forschung und Veröffentlichungen

  • Maximizing team development for open innovation in digital prdouct development: the role of collaborative HRM and relational leadership

    The purpose of the study was to maximize team members’ collaboration and develop relationships in a newly formed team to engage with internal and external partners to achieve open innovation (OI) in product development. The authors examine the role of collaborative human resource management (HRM) and relational leadership (RL) in this process.

    Weiterlesen: Maximizing team development for open innovation in digital prdouct development: the role of collaborative HRM and relational leadership
  • Multicultural skills in open innovation: relational leadership enabling knowledge sourcing and sharing

    In this paper, the authors argue that multicultural skills and relational leadership act as enablers for open innovation, and thereby examine the process through which teams can utilize multicultural skills to support the development of relational leadership and knowledge sourcing and sharing (KSS) through individual interaction and relationship building. The authors address the following research question: How does relational…

    Weiterlesen: Multicultural skills in open innovation: relational leadership enabling knowledge sourcing and sharing
  • The role of collaborative human resource management in supporting open innovation

    With open innovation (OI) playing an important role in many organizations’ innovation strategy, there is growing interest in the human aspects of OI. An important challenge for managing OI remains the motivation of individuals for knowledge sharing and sourcing (KSS). To address this issue, we argue that managers responsible for OI need to use collaborative human resource management (collaborative…

    Weiterlesen: The role of collaborative human resource management in supporting open innovation
  • Human resources management and open
    innovation: the role of open innovation

    There is growing interest in the role of strategic human resource management (SHRM) in managing employees and supporting their capacity for innovation in high-tech firms. In this paper, using dynamic capabilities theory we examine the role of SHRM in supporting open innovation (OI) performance of employees in four US multinational technology firms. We introduce OI mindset as a new…

    Weiterlesen: Human resources management and open
    innovation: the role of open innovation